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Consumers Protection is fighting for consumer rights since 2003, through the project „Useful Info – Emergency telephone numbers from around the world”.

Consumers Protection has been dedicated to safeguarding consumer rights since its establishment in 2003, primarily through the strategic initiative known as “Useful Info – Emergency Telephone Numbers from Around the World.” In today’s dynamic landscape marked by heightened population mobility, both within the European Union and across the global stage, diverse situations and contexts frequently arise where citizens seek guidance and assistance. In light of this evolving scenario, Consumers Protection extends its supportive arm through the impactful “Emergency Telephone Numbers from Around the World” project.

At Consumers Protection, our core focus is you, the consumer. The sphere of consumer protection extends its influence into virtually every sphere of life, underpinning myriad activities. In this context, it is imperative to grasp the essence of consumer protection, understanding its legislative framework, the fundamental principles and rights that underlie this vital endeavor, and the diverse ways in which consumers protection manifests across various domains.

Consumer protection transcends conventional boundaries, encompassing vital aspects such as the quality of the air we breathe, the safety of the water we consume, the integrity of the food we rely on, and the reliability of the automotive repair facilities we entrust with our vehicles. Its sphere of influence further extends into broader arenas, including environmental stewardship, energy management, preservation of historical heritage, and fostering cultural diversity. Given its expansive reach, consumer protection is anchored in well-defined principles that serve as our guiding pillars.

it is imperative to underscore that consumers protection transcends the realm of mere legislation, rights, and responsibilities. It embodies a broader spectrum of values, encompassing well-being, sound judgment, ethical conduct, morality, and mutual respect. At its core, consumer protection fosters an environment of mutual respect among various stakeholders, including merchants, economic entities, producers, importers, and the ultimate beneficiaries, our valued consumers.

In recognition of the multifaceted nature of consumers protection, a dedicated annual event has garnered global attention. World Consumer Rights Day, observed on the 15th of March each year, serves as a poignant reminder of the compelling need for bolstered consumer safeguards. It beckons a collective commitment to adopt a fresh, proactive perspective whenever the rights of consumers stand in jeopardy.

Through our international initiative aimed at streamlining information access in the era of global digitization, we offer a consolidated platform that grants consumers worldwide direct access to an array of emergency and essential contact numbers. This initiative extends its reach to consumers across diverse regions, including Europe, South and East Asia, Africa, the Americas, the Middle East, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, ensuring they can readily connect with vital services such as Consumer Protection, Ambulance, Fire Brigade, Tourist Information, Police, Gendarmerie, Child Protection, Environmental Protection, and more.


The emergency number accessibility program „Consumer Protection” is available in English and the language of each country , so consumers will find useful, native-language information such as :

  • Emergencies Albania , Ambulance Albania , Fire brigade Albania , State police number Albania , Traffic police number Albania . ( Numeri e urgjencës Shqipëria , Ambulance Shqipëria , Shërbim zjarrfikës Shqipëria , Policia Shqipëria , Policia e qarkullimit rrugor Shqipëria . )
  • Emergencies Andorra , Ambulancë Andorra , Fire brigade Andorra , State police number Andorra , Traffic police number Andorra ( Número de emergencias Andorra , Ambulancia Andorra , Cuerpo de Bomberos Andorra , Policía Andorra .)
  • Emergencies Belarus , Ambulance Belarus , Consumer protection Belarus , Fire brigade Belarus , Police Belarus , Tourist protection Belarus ( нумар экстранай дапамогі Беларусь , хуткая дапамога Беларусь ,  абароны спажыўцоў Беларусь , пажарная служба Беларусь , паліцыя Беларусь , скаргі турызму Беларусь )
  • Emergencies Belgium , Ambulance Belgium , Police Belgium , Red Cross Belgium , Poison control center Belgium , Suicide Prevention Center Belgium , Federal Police Belgium , Child Focus Belgium , Sibelga – smell of gas Belgium , Sibelga – blackout or faulty public lighting Belgium , Vivaqua Belgium , Brussels Environment Belgium , Consumers mediation service Belgium , FPS Economy, S.M.E.s, Self-employed and Energy Belgium , Insurance Ombudsman Belgium , European Consumer Centre Belgium ( Noodnummer België , Ambulance België , Politie België , Croix Rouge België , Rode Kruis België , Centre antipoisons België , Antigifcentrum België , Centre de prévention du suicide België , Suizidpräventionszentrum België , Police Fédérale België , Zelfmoordpreventiecentrum België , Child Focus België , Sibelga – odeur de gaz België , Sibelga – geur van gas België , Sibelga – panne d’électricité ou éclairage public défectueux België , Sibelga – stroomuitval of defecte openbare verlichting België , Vivaqua België , Bruxelles Environnement België , Leefmilieu Brussel België , Service de Médiation pour le Consommateur België , Consumentenbemiddelingsdienst België , SPF Économie, PME, Classes moyennes et Énergie België , FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie DG Controle en Bemiddeling België , Ombudsman des Assurances België , Ombudsman van de Verzekeringen België , Centre Européen des Consommateurs België . Europees Centrum voor de Consument België . )
  • Ambulance Bosnia and Herzegovina , Consumer protection Bosnia and Herzegovina , Fire brigade Bosnia and Herzegovina , Police Bosnia and Herzegovina , Tourist protection Bosnia and Herzegovina ( Hitna pomoć Bosna I Hercegovina  , Zaštitu potrošača Bosna I Hercegovina, Vatrogasna služba Bosna I Hercegovina , Policija Bosna I Hercegovina , Pritužbi u turizmu Bosna I Hercegovina . )
  • Emergencies Bulgaria , Ambulance Bulgaria , Consumer protection Bulgaria , Fire brigade Bulgaria , Police Bulgaria , Tourist protection Bulgaria , National Child Helpline Bulgaria . ( спешен номер България , спешна помощ за линейка България , защита на потребителите България , противопожарна служба България , полиция България , жалби в туризма България , Националната телефонна линия за деца . )
  • Emergencies Czech Republic , Police Czech Republic , Ambulance Czech Republic , Fire brigade Czech Republic . (Jednotné evropské číslo tísňového volání Česko , Policie ČR Česko , Zdravotnická záchranná služba Česko , Hasičský záchranný sbor ČR Česko )
  • Emergencies Cyprus , Ambulance Cyprus , Fire brigade Cyprus , Police Cyprus . ( Aριθμός έκτακτης ανάγκης Κύπρος , Aσθενοφόρος άμαξα Κύπρος , πυροσβεστική υπηρεσία Κύπρος , αστυνομία Κύπρος . )
  • Emergencies Croatia , Ambulance Croatia , Fire brigade Croatia , Police Croatia ,  Consumer protection Croatia , Telecomunications Complains Croatia . ( Broj za hitne slučajeve Hrvatska , Hitna pomoć Hrvatska , Vatrogasna služba Hrvatska , Policija Hrvatska , Zaštitu potrošača Hrvatska , Pritužbe na telekomunikacije Hrvatska . )
  • Emergencies Denmark , Ambulance Denmark , Consumers protection Denmark , Fire brigade Denmark , Police Denmark , Poison Line Denmark ( Alarmnummer Danmark , Ambulance Danmark , Forbrugerbeskyttelse Danmark , Brandvæsen Danmark , Politiet Danmark , Giftlinje Danmark . )
  • Emergencies Estonia , Ambulance Estonia ,Consumer protection Estonia , Fire brigade Estonia , Police Estonia . ( Hädaabinumber Eesti , Kiirabi Eesti , Tarbijakaitse Eesti , Tuletõrje Eesti , Politsei Eesti . )
  • Emergencies Finland , Medical Helpline Finland , Consumers protection Finland , Poison Information Centre Finland , Maritime Rescue Finland . ( Hätänumero Suomi , Lääkärin neuvontapuhelin Suomi , Kuluttajien suojaa Suomi , Myrkytystietokeskus Suomi , Meripelastus Suomi . )
  • Emergencies France , Ambulance France , Consumer protection France , Fire brigade France , Police France , Emergency number for hearing impaired persons France . ( Numéro d’urgence France , Ambulance France , La protection des consommateurs France , Service d’incendie France , Police et gendarmerie France , Numéro d’urgence pour les personnes malentendantes France . )
  • Emergencies Germany , Ambulance Germany , Consumers protection Germany , Fire brigade Germany , Police Germany , Medical on-call service Germany , Public utilities – gas Germany , Poison emergency number Germany , Crisis service child protection of the Berlin youth welfare Germany , Child emergency service Germany , Youth emergency service Germany , Girls emergency service Germany , Contact and Advice Center Germany , Telephone emergency pharmacy information Germany , Telephone emergency pharmacy information Germany , Medical on-call service Germany , Dental emergency service Germany , Ambulance transport German Red Cross Berlin Germany , Nationwide addiction & drug hotline Germany , Drug emergency service Germany , Have EC/Maestro cards or credit cards blocked, blocking emergency Germany , Central midwife call Germany , Telephone counseling Berlin-Brandenburg Germany , Troubleshooting service for gas faults/gas smell Germany , VATTENFALL electricity fault management Germany , Fault number for public lighting Germany , Central Lost and Found Office of the State of Berlin Germany , Lost property office Deutsche Bahn AG and S-Bahn Berlin Germany . ( Notrufnummer Deutschland , Krankenwagen Deutschland , Verbraucherschutz Deutschland , Feuerwehr Deutschland , Polizei Deutschland , Artzlicher bereitschaftsdienst Deutschland , Stadtwerke – Gas Deutschland , Gift-Notruf Deutschland , Krisendienst Kinderschutz der Berliner Jugendämter Deutschland , Kindernotdienst Deutschland , Jugendnotdienst Deutschland , Mädchennotdienst Deutschland , Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle Deutschland , Telefonische Notapotheken Deutschland , Telefonische Notapotheken Deutschland , Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst Deutschland , Zahnärztlicher Notfalldiens Deutschland , Krankentransport Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Berlin Deutschland , Sucht & Drogen Hotline bundesweit Deutschland , Drogennotdienst Deutschland , EC-/Maestro-Karten oder Kreditkarten sperren lassen, Sperr-Notruf Deutschland , Zentraler Hebammenruf Deutschland , Telefonseelsorge Berlin-Brandenburg Deutschland , Entstörungsdienst für Gas-Störungen/Gasgeruch Deutschland , VATTENFALL Störungsmanagement Strom Deutschland , Störungsnummer Öffentliche Beleuchtung Deutschland , Zentrales Fundbüro des Landes Berlin Deutschland , Fundbüro Deutsche Bahn AG und S-Bahn Berlin Deutschland. )
  • Emergency Greece , Ambulance Greece , Consumer Protection Greece , Fire Brigade Greece , Police Greece , Public Utilities Greece , Forest Fire Authority Greece , Traffic Police Greece , Traffic Police Athena Greece , Tourist Police Greece , Hospitals Greece , Coast Guard Greece , Anti-drug Police Greece , General Telephone Assistance Greece , Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs Greece , National Helpline for Children Greece , Missing Children Greece , Hellenic Red Cross Greece , Athens Airport Greece , Hellenic Seaways Greece , Aegean/Olympic Airlines Greece . ( αριθμός έκτακτης ανάγκης Ελλάδα , ασθενοφόρο Ελλάδα , προστασία των καταναλωτών Ελλάδα , Πυροσβεστική Ελλάδα , η αστυνομία Ελλάδα , Αριθμός έκτακτης ανάγκης, υπηρεσίες κοινής ωφελείας Ελλάδα , Δασοπυροσβεστική Αρχή Ελλάδα , Τροχαία Ελλάδα , Τροχαία Αθηνά Ελλάδα  , τουριστικές καταγγελίες Ελλάδα , νοσοκομεία Ελλάδα , Ακτοφυλακή Ελλάδα , Αστυνομία κατά των ναρκωτικών Ελλάδα , γενική τηλεφωνική βοήθεια Ελλάδα , Ελληνικό Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών Ελλάδα , Εθνική Γραμμή Βοήθειας για παιδιά Ελλάδα , Παιδιά που λείπουν Ελλάδα , Ελληνικός Ερυθρός Σταυρός Ελλάδα , Αεροδρόμιο Αθηνών Ελλάδα , Ελληνική Seaways Ελλάδα , Aegean / Ολυμπιακές Αερογραμμές Ελλάδα . )
  • Emergencies Hungary , Ambulance Hungary , Consumers protection Hungary , Fire brigade Hungary . ( Vészhelyzetek Magyarország , Mentőautó Magyarország , Fogyasztóvédelem Magyarország , Tűzoltóság Magyarország . )
  • Emergencies Iceland , Ambulance Iceland , Consumer protection Iceland , Fire brigade Iceland , Police Iceland , Tourist protection Iceland , Telecommunications complaints Iceland , Public utilities – emergencies Iceland . ( Neyðarnúmer Ísland , Sjúkrabíll Ísland , Neytendavernd Ísland , Slökkviliðið Ísland , Lögregla Ísland , Ferðamannavernd Ísland , Kvartanir í fjarskiptum Ísland , Almenningsveitur – neyðartilvik Ísland . )
  • Emergencies Italy , Ambulance Italy , Fire brigade Italy , Police Italy , Traffic information Italy . ( Carabinieri Italia , Pronto soccorso Italia , Vigili del fuoco Italia , Polizia Italia , Viaggiare informati Italia . )
  • Emergencies Latvia , Ambulance Latvia , Consumer protection Latvia , Fire brigade Latvia , Police Latvia , Public utilities Latvia , Missing child Latvia . ( Vienotais neatliekamās palīdzības tālrunis Latvija , Ātrā palīdzība Latvija , Patērētāju aizsardzība Latvija , Ugunsdzēsēju dienests Latvija , Policija Latvija  , Komunālie pakalpojumi – gāze Latvija , Pazudis bērns Latvija . )
  • Emergencies Liechtenstein , Ambulance Liechtenstein , Fire brigade Liechtenstein , Police Liechtenstein . ( Notrufnummer Liechtenstein , Krankenwagen Liechtenstein , Feuerwehr Liechtenstein , Polizei Liechtenstein . )
  • Emergencies Lithuania , Ambulance Lithuania , Consumers protection Lithuania , Fire brigade Lithuania , Police Lithuania , Food safety Lithuania ( Pagalbos numeris Lietuva , Greitoji pagalba Lietuva , Vartotojų teisių apsauga Lietuva , Ugniagesių pagalba Lietuva , Policija Lietuva , Maisto Sauga Lietuva . )
  • Emergency rescue number , fire brigade emergency number , police emergency number from Luxembourg . (  Noutruffnummer , Pompjeesnummer , Noutruffnummer vun der Police . )
  • Ambulance North Macedonia , Consumer protection North Macedonia , Fire brigade North Macedonia , Police North Macedonia , Tourist protection North Macedonia , Public utilities – Electricity North Macedonia , Public utilities – Water North Macedonia , Traffic police North Macedonia . ( брза помош Северна Македонија , заштита на потрошувачите Северна Македонија , противпожарна служба Северна Македонија , полицијата Северна Македонија , поплаки во туризмот Северна Македонија , јавните комунални претпријатија – струја Северна Македонија , јавните комунални претпријатија – вода Северна Македонија , сообраќајната полиција Северна Македонија . )
  • Emergencies Malta , Ambulance Malta , Consumers protection Malta , Fire brigade Malta , Police Malta , Tourist protection Malta , Traffic police Malta . ( Numru ta’ emerġenza Malta , Ambulanza Malta , Protezzjoni tal-konsumatur Malta , Dipartiment tan-nar Malta , Pulizija Malta , Ilmenti fit-turiżmu Malta , Pulizija tat-traffiku Malta . )
  • Emergencies Monaco , Ambulance Monaco , Fire brigade Monaco , Police Monaco . ( Numéro d’urgence Monaco , Ambulance Monaco , Service d’incendie Monaco , Police Monaco . )
  • Emergencies Norway , Ambulance Norway , Consumer protection Norway , Fire brigade Norway , Police Norway , Traffic police Norway , Public utilities – emergencies Norway , Info Traffic Norway . ( Nødnummer Norge , Ambulanse Norge , Forbrukertilsynet Norge , Brannvesenet Norge , Politi Norge , Trafikk politi Norge , Offentlige tjenester Norge , Info trafikk Norge . )
  • Emergencies Netherlands , Ambulance Netherlands , Consumers protection Netherlands , Fire brigade Netherlands , Police Netherlands , Public utilities – Gas, Electricity Netherlands , Coastguard Netherlands , Local police Netherlands , Animal Emergencies Netherlands , Coastguard Netherlands , Domestic Violence Netherlands , Alcoholics Anonymous Nederland , Sexual Abuse Nederland , SOS Nederland , ChildLine Nederland , A discrimination Nederland , Residency issues Nederland , Utility Emergencies Nederland , Suicide prevention Nederland , Alcohol and Drug Abuse Nederland , Narcotics Anonymus Nederland . ( Noodnummer Nederland , Ambulance Nederland , Consumentenbescherming Nederland , Brandweer Nederland , Politie Nederland , Openbare nutsbedrijven Nederland , Kustwacht Nederland , Politie Nederland , Dierenambulance Nederland , Kustwach Nederland , Veilig Thuis Nederland . )
  • Emergencies Austria , Ambulance Austria , Fire brigade Austria , State Police Austria . ( Notrufnummer Österreich , Krankenwagen Österreich , Feuerwehr Österreich , Polizei Österreich . )
  • Emergencies Poland , Ambulance Poland , Fire brigade Poland , Police Poland . ( Numer ratunkowy Polska , Karetka Polska , Straż pożarna Polska , Policja Polska .)
  • Emergencies Moldova , Ambulance Moldova , Consumer protection Moldova , Police Moldova . ( Urgențe Republica Moldova , Ambulanță Republica Moldova , Protecția consumatorului Republica Moldova , Poliția Republica Moldova .)
  • Emergencies Romania , Ambulance Romania , Fire brigade Romania , Police Romania , Child Protection Romania , InfoCons Romania , The Financial Supervisory Authority Romania , The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority Romania , Consumer protection Romania , Border Police Romania , The National Company for Road and Infrastructure Management Romania , Romanian Automotive Registry Romania , General Anticorruption Directorate Romania , Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority Romania , Ministry of Public Finances Romania , National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications Romania , National Anti-Drug Agency Romania , National Agency Against Trafficking in Human Beings Romania , Natural Disaster Insurance Pool Romania ( Urgențe România , Ambulanță România , Pompierii România , Poliția România , Protecția Copilului România , InfoCons România , Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara România , Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara România , Protecția consumatorului România , Poliția de Frontieră România , Compania Națională de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere România , Registrul Auto Român România , Direcția Generala Anticorupție România , Autoritatea Națională de Reglementare în domeniul Energiei România , Ministerul Finanțelor Publice România , Autoritatea Națională pentru Administrare și Reglementare în Comunicații România , Autoritatea Națională Antidrog România , Agenția Națională Împotriva Traficului de Persoane România , Pool-ul de Asigurare Împotriva Dezastrelor Naturale România .)
  • Emergencies Russia , Ambulance Russia , Consumers protection Russia , Fire brigade Russia , Police Russia . ( экстренный номер Россия , скорая помощь Россия , защита потребителей Россия , пожарная служба Россия , полиция Россия . )
  • Emergencies San Marino , Ambulance San Marino , First aid San Marino . ( Numero di emergenza San Marino , Soccorso di emergenza e ambulanza San Marino , Pronto intervento San Marino .)
  • Ambulance Serbia , Consumer protection Serbia , Fire brigade Serbia , Police Serbia , Public utilities Serbia , Car assistance Serbia , Telecommunications complaints Serbia . ( хитна помоћ Србија , заштита потрошача Србија , ватрогасна служба Србија , Полиција Србија , хитне случајеве јавних комуналија Србија , помоћ аутомобила Србија , телекомуникационе жалбе Србија . )
  • Emergencies Slovakia , Ambulance Slovakia , Fire brigade Slovakia , Police Slovakia . ( Núdzové číslo Slovensko , Sanitka Slovensko , Požiarna služba Slovensko , Polícia Slovensko . )
  • Emergencies Slovenia , Police Slovenia , Missing child Slovenia . ( Klic v sili Slovenija , Policija Slovenija , Pogrešani otroci Slovenija . )
  • Emergencies Spain , Ambulance Spain , Consumers protection Spain , Fire brigade Spain , Tourist protection Spain . ( Número de emergencia España , Ambulancia España  , Protección del consumidor España , Cuerpo de Bomberos España , Quejas de turismo España . )
  • Emergencies Sweden , Ambulance Sweden , Fire brigade Sweden , Consumer protection Sweden , Police Sweden . ( Nödnummer Sverige , Ambulans Sverige , Brandkåren Sverige , Konsumentskydd Sverige , Polisen Sverige . )
  • Emergencies Switzerland , Ambulance Switzerland , Consumer protection Switzerland , Fire brigade Switzerland ,Police Switzerland , Tourist protection Switzerland . ( Numéro d’urgence Suisse , Protection des consommateurs Suisse , Pompiers Suisse , Police Suisse , Réclamations touristiques Suisse . Notrufnummer Schweiz , Krankenwagen Schweiz , Eidgenössisches Büro für Konsumentenfragen Schweiz , Feuerwehr Schweiz , Polizei Schweiz , Touristenbeschwerden Schweiz . )
  • Emergencies Türkiye , Ambulance Türkiye , Consumers protection Türkiye , Fire brigade Türkiye , Police Türkiye , Tourist protection Türkiye , Traffic police Türkiye , Gendarmerie Türkiye , Ministry of Health Türkiye , Emergencies Türkiye . ( Acil Durum Türkiye , Ambulans Türkiye , Tüketici Danișma Hatti Türkiye, Itfaiye hizmeti Türkiye , Polis Türkiye Türkiye , Turizm şikayet hatti Türkiye , Trafik polisi Türkiye , Jandarma Türkiye , Sağlık Bakanlığı Türkiye , AFAD Türkiye . )
  • Ambulance Ukraine , Consumer protection Ukraine , Fire brigade Ukraine , Police Ukraine . ( швидка допомога Україна , захист споживача Україна , пожежна служба Україна , поліція Україна . )
  • Ambulance Vatican , Fire brigade Vatican , Police Vatican . ( Pronto soccorso Vatican , Vigili del fuoco Vatican , Polizia Vatican . )